Kooperatif Yolunda Ankara Geri Kazanım Derneği Haziran 2005'te kuruldu. Amacı Ankara'da çalışan atık kağıt işçilerini güçlendirmek, tanıtmak, iş ve yaşam koşullarını iyileştirmek; kentte kurulan yeni katı atık yönetimler sistemine dahil olmaları gerektiğine inanarak, çözümler sunmaktır.
Ankara Recycling Association, a waste pickers association, was founded in 2005 in order to strengthen Ankara's street waste pickers, to work for their recognition, the improvement of their working and living conditions; it also intends to bring solutions for their inclusion in the city's solid waste management system.
Ankara Recycling Association, a waste pickers association, was founded in 2005 in order to strengthen Ankara's street waste pickers, to work for their recognition, the improvement of their working and living conditions; it also intends to bring solutions for their inclusion in the city's solid waste management system.
Kooperatif projesi broşürü sayfa 1 (pdf)
Kooperatif projesi broşürü sayfa 2 (pdf)
25 Kasım 2008 Salı
13 Kasım 2008 Perşembe
Bogota bülteni

The bulletin from the Bogota Conference is ready (in Turkish). You can check it through the links below (jpeg format). Any support for its publication will be welcome, as we have not been able to publish it for the waste pickers yet.
Bülten sayfa 2-3
Bülten sayfa 4-5
Bülten sayfa 6
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